Cluster detection, analysis and visualization

Author: Aaron Brooks / @scalefreegan

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Goals: Cluster Visualization

  • Basic visualizations: Heatmap, Cluster dendrogram
  • Advanced visualization: Network-based visualization, Cytoscape
  • Biological recap. Why are we doing this?
  • Extensions

We've clustered the data...
  We've chosen k...
    Now what?


There are many things one could do with these networks

Some functions available in linkcomm package

Cluster dendrogram

plot(network, type = "summary")

Linkcomm vignette

Relationships between communities

cr = getClusterRelatedness(network, hcmethod = "ward")

cutDendrogramAt(cr, cutat = 1.2)

Linkcomm vignette

Community membership

plot(network, type = "members")

Linkcomm vignette


plot(network, type = "graph", layout = layout.fruchterman.reingold)

plot(lc, type = "graph", layout = "")

Linkcomm vignette


plot(network, type = "graph", shownodesin = 2, node.pies = TRUE)

Linkcomm vignette

Why cluster a network?

Clustering is a way to decipher network structure

Hairball ⇨ Comprehension

Lesson from experience: EGRIN 2.0

Brooks and Reiss et al (2014). A system‐level model for the microbial regulatory genome

Conditionally Co-regulated Modules (Corems)

Brooks and Reiss et al (2014). A system‐level model for the microbial regulatory genome

Biology: Dipeptide transporter regulation in Haloarchaea

Brooks and Reiss et al (2014). A system‐level model for the microbial regulatory genome

Clustering for Data Integration

Kernels derived from 5 sources of information

Similarities between 4567 human genes

Selected from their relationship to 120 genes involved in mitosis, DNA mismatch repair, and BMP signaling

Course goals

  1. Combine kernels
  2. Cluster integrated network

Combined Kernel Network

For more info: Practical 1

Link Community Network

For more info: Practical 2

Let's take a deeper look at this network in Cytoscape

Annotation File


Heterogeneous Network Edge Prediction: A Data Integration Approach to Prioritize Disease-Associated Genes

Himmelstein and Baranzini (2015)

Please continue to Practical #4